The completion of our biennial Erasmus+ KA2 leaves us with contradictory feelings of sorrow and satisfaction. The project, under the title «European School Partnership for Sustainability began on 01/ 09/ 2014 and officially ended on 31/08/2016. Our school held in this context various environmental actions (surveys, counts, planting, recycling activities, trainings, field trips, etc.), produced extensive educational materials (electronic presentations, short films, articles), participated in five mobilities abroad with 20 students and 5 teachers and hosted in Thessaloniki 28 students and 9 teachers.
Here you can see the final reflective video made by the Italian coordinating school and Mrs. Petrachi.
Although both cognitive and pedagogical objectives of the project (development of environmental consiousness, cultivation of tolerance and intercultural cooperation, exercise of social and language skills) were served in the best way, we consider the whole project as a small contribution to environmental, European and wider humanistic education. Thus there is no other alternative than keep on going this way even more determined and focused as persons and school community.
At this point we would like to thank our partners, and especially the coordinator of the project Mrs. Maria Petrachi, for their cooperativeness, as well as their kindness; furthermore, the parents of our students for supporting us in every step we took during this biennial program; in addition, all the official institutions for their valuable assistance to our students? research and to the various activities during Thessaloniki?s meeting; everybody could recognize how many and how important they have been by having a look at previous relevant articles on this website. Finally, it must be underlined that this beautiful dream would never come true without the financial support of European Commission and without the guidance with valuable information of our National Agency, State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y.).
Last but not least, we should thank our students, more than thirty, who had a broad and essential participation in this project ?not to mention the many more who attended Thessaloniki?s Meeting- for their responsibility as well as their creativity while working on it. We wish they have adopted an even more consciously ecological attitude in life, full of real European values, as tolerance and solidarity.